This blog is for those who are looking for help in their university curriculum in psychology. The articles here are from various sources and belong to vast field . Hope this blog would prove useful for the college goers and lay man interested in the subject!!! - Ashish Pillai


Psychology provides better insight into the lives of living. How inquisitive we are about what would be the other person next actor what would be his reaction to any incident and what would have been your own response to same condition. The study of psychology aims at studying both human and animal instincts. It is the scientific study of what, how, why and when a person behaves. Psychology is a field of study not too old but was always a part of other fields. May it be religion, philosophy, magic, politics or science all have contributed to the growth of psychology. The various psychological problems have been discussed at length even before Christ. Democritus, Aristotle, Ptolemy, St.Austine, St.Thomas Aquinas among many other contributed much to psychology by their thinking. Descartes is considered to be the first psychologist of modern psychology, followed by Jon Locke. Berkley, Flourens and Broka, Fritz and Hitzig Dubois Raymond, Helmontz, Schenov, FS Kellar these great men gave the direction to the growth of psychology. but the real change came with ideas of great psychologists like Fechner, Ebbinghaus Wundt, Pavlov and Freud they gave new heights to the filed of psychology. Wilhem Wundt established the first psychology laboratory and psychology advanced scientifically. Various psychologists established schools of psychology, these schools were there idea and principle they established regarding behavior of an organism. These school took birth between 1900 to 1920.Wilhem Wundt established school of structuralism in 1879 and Titchner in 1898.this school emphasized on introduction of scientific method to study the behavior. William James established school of functionalism in America in 1896. The followers of this school studied the organismic functions from utilitarian point of view and considered that human behavior is the result of mind and body. The next school that developed was behaviorism by the efforts of JB Watson. It emphasized on experiments as the method of study of psychological problems. A new branch neo-behaviorism developed which brought objectivity to the study of psychology, and this being the biggest contribution of behaviorism to psychology. In 1912 with the efforts of Max Werthiemer, Kohler and Koffka new school was established called Gestalt psychology in Germany. It based on the theory that person perceives the stimulus not in parts but as a whole. The term gestalt means 'wholeness'. This further developed branches of psychology like child psychology and social psychology. The next era of psychology started with establishment of school of psychoanalysis by Sir Sigmund Freud in 1900.he applied various techniques in the treatment of mental patient. It is also known as the school of unconscious mind than mind. In 1912 two new schools developed from this school these were individual psychology and analytic psychology. Adler and Carl Jung gave important contribution to this school of psychology. William Mcdoughall established the sixth school of psychology called Hormic or purposive psychology. Mcdoughall considered inspiration as the reason of behavior, he prepared a list of these and called them innate instincts.

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